It does not come as a surprise that Thrapsano, a village with so much tradition, is full of houses, in which one can distinguish their traditional features, their architectural elements and their functional use.
“In an old Thrapsano “konaki” (house), the main room was “Portego”, “the Moutoupaki”, the “Ontas” and secondly the “Tzertzemili”. The Lobby was less common in houses, while the “Sofas” appears more and is often found in “Portego”. The “ahiri” (haymow) was necessary and this is why we find it in all the houses, either as an internal or as an external freestanding room. The “patitiri” (a specific place where grapes are pressed) and the oven were two of the most essential elements and you can find them in almost all houses, while “sarnitsi” is rarely found. The courtyard was also significant but it did not exist in all houses.