The Magazine “Politon Logos” (The Citizens’ Word)
The magazine “Politon Logos” aims at informing the citizens of the Municipality of Minoa Pediadas and therefore its issues are also available on the website of the Municipality of Minoa Pediadas.
The magazine has been published since January 2011 by the Municipality of Minoa Pediadas, when Arkalohori, Thrapsano and Kastelli were joined together pursuant to Kallikratis program. The magazine has about 70 pages, it is published twice or three times a year and it is colored with a lot of photographs. It presents various topics, concerning important events that occur in the administrative boundaries of the Municipality, its history, its inhabitants, its settlements and also the infrastructure, the activities, the cultural events, the environment, the monuments, etc.
The Magazine “Kastellianes Athivoles”
The magazine has been published by the Cultural Association of Kastelli since August 2007. The topics of the magazine relate to periods of modern history of Kastelli, focusing on the promotion of events, people and the place itself. It is distributed free, as the cost burdens the Cultural Association and some sponsors, including the Parish Council of St. Anthony Parish of Kastelli.
The Magazine “Kiranos”
It has been published by the Primary school of Kastelli by students and teachers since 2007. It is a coloured illustrated magazine which enables students to unfold their talent in the limelight! The content of the magazine varies and it is worth mentioning that as students have the opportunity to enrich its content with historical documents, they learn the history of their place, as they become researchers themselves.
The Magazine “Prothesi” (Intention)
A periodic report of the Holy Bishopric of Arkalohori – Kastelli and Viannos. This is a magazine with ecclesiastical content that is distributed for free. Since 2012 it has been released with more pages and the content varies, giving information about current events, regarding solidarity, the social cohesion of the Bishopric, donations, etc.
The Skinofarango Journal
It is a journal of the Association of Skinias, Lagouta and Vakiotes, published every three months, also called “The Renaissance”, in order to inform the residents of these villages. It has been published since 2000 and acts as a link among the separate clubs of the villages, aiming at the promotion of people’s activation and cohesion by maintaining their interest in their region.