Amariano is located west of Mount Dikte, 8 km from Kastelli and 43 from Heraklion. In 1583 the village is referred in a report by Kastrofilakas, having 285 residents then. The settlement appears to have been founded in the early centuries of Venetian rule, since in 1380 the settlement is mentioned in a Venetian document as “Mariano” and later on, the Kornaros Family have been reported to possess large real estate in Amariano.
Inside the village, in the central square, there is a public stone fountain with neoclassical influences since 1898. At the same spot, visitors can still enjoy the shade of ancient plane trees and at the same time they can see the outdoor exhibition of stone tools used for olive production.
If you are among those who especially love traditional celebrations, you should not miss the festivities organized on August 15 in honor of the Virgin Mary and on September 20 in honor of the patron saint of the village, Saint Eustathius.